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Here's What We've Learned (New Research):
The Single Biggest Secrets To Selling
MORE Inside Of Your Funnels
...without driving ANY Extra Traffic!
As We Kept Digging and Analyzing and Discussing,
A Set Of Patterns Emerged...,
And what we found shocked us! We found that it had almost NOTHING to do with:
What type of funnel you used...
What your designs looked like....
Or even what you were selling!
But instead, it had everything to do with your ability to:
Communicate with the people who entered into your funnels...
Understand how to tell your brand's story... (mastering "story selling")
How well you can use the fundamentals of persuasion to build rapport with your website visitors...
Build a tribe of people who bought from you over and over again, and became lifelong customers...
Change your company from a "transactional" business into a "transformational" movement!
They Had Mastered The Art Of Being An Expert (Or Guide) To Their Dream Customers...
And Then Helping Them To Achieve The Results That Their Business Promised...
Many people get nervous when they hear me say the word “Expert…” because they don’t consider themselves an Expert.
“But Russell… I’m never going to speak on stage…”

For those who are thinking that, I want to remind you that your platform, your funnels, are your virtual stage.
By positioning yourself as an expert and learning how to tell your story in a way that gets people to move, you are able to guide people through your funnels, giving them the results they are looking for.

Think About Every One Of My Funnels That You Have Ever Seen... I Am Always
Your Guide Walking You Through Each Step:

Think about almost every “Two Comma Club” winner, and then go and look at their pages inside of their funnels.
Who do you see on all of their ads?
Who greets you on their landing pages?
Who makes a presentation to you explaining why you should purchase the products or services they sell?
Then who is the person who offers you their upsell...?
And who thanks you after the purchase is done?

YES! In every case it is the “Expert” or guide who has mastered how to communicate with people who enter into their funnels!
I believe that your business is a calling.
You’ve been called to serve a group of people with the products, services, and offers that you’ve created.
People come into your funnels looking for a solution to their problems.
By positioning yourself as an expert and learning how to tell your story in a way that gets people to move, you are able to guide people through your funnels, giving them the results they are looking for.
This is how you change the lives of your customers, and this is how you grow your company.
Most people who put their products up for sale don’t understand that their expertise is the key to actually selling the product.
Your story, why you created this offer, and why you started your movement are what initially get people to convert and then continue to stay with you over time.
I spent two years taking everything we had learned studying these experts and the movements they created, and broke down what I found into 19 secrets that will help you to turn your online visitors into lifelong customers!
Expert Secrets will help you to find your voice and give you the confidence to become a leader...
Expert Secrets will show you how to build a movement of people whose lives you can change...
Expert Secrets will teach you how to make this calling, a career.
These “Expert Secrets” have been used to increase sales in funnels for:
Business owners in every market you can dream of.
Local Small Business
Info Products
Network Marketing
And More...!
getting any extra traffic, then you need these “Expert Secrets” right now!
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hardcover book to your doorstep, ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I’ll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we’ll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below…
You pay only $9.95 for shipping and handling in US ($19.95 intl)
When You Get This Best Selling Book For FREE... Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover...
Section #1: Creating Your Movement
Secret #1: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #2: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #3: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #4: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #5: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Section #2: Creating Belief
Secret #7: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #8: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #9: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #10: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Section #3: One-to-Many Selling
Secret #11: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #12: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #13: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #14: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #15: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Section #4: Becoming Your Dream Customer's Guide
Secret #16: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #17: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #18: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
Secret #19: How To Find Your VOICE, And Move Away From Just Selling A Product Or Service... And Toward Creating Offers, And Finally Leading A Movement That Changes The Lives Of Your Customers!
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Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I’ll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we’ll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below…
You pay only $9.95 for shipping and handling in US ($19.95 intl)
What Are Others Already Saying About 'Expert Secrets?'
"Over 50,000 Women Have Joined Our 'Lady Boss' Community!" - Kaelin Poulin
"I've literally gotten rid of every other book I've ever studied on marketing." - Garrett J White
As You Can See...
Expert Secrets Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...
The Question Is, Are YOU Next?
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hardcover book to your doorstep, ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I’ll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we’ll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below…
You pay only $9.95 for shipping and handling in US ($19.95 intl)
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Bonus #1 - Expert Evolution
"How To Become The Leader Your Tribe Has Been Waiting For..."
Total Value: $97.00

implement them in their lives!
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Expert Secrets Today!
Bonus #2 - Hook, Story, Offer
"If Something Isn't Working, It's Always Either Your Hook, Story, Or Your Offer!"
Total Value: $97.00

This presentation will teach you the powerful “hook, story, offer” framework and how you can use it to build better funnels, fix funnels that have flopped, and finally know with absolute certainty how to get your funnels working!
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Expert Secrets Today!
Bonus #3 - The Perfect Webinar Slides!
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Total Value: $197.00

“Perfect Webinar” framework. It takes many people 3-5 days OR MORE to build out their own slides to model this proven presentation framework, but when you order today, you’ll get a copy of my slide deck with training on how to customize it for your presentation!
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Bonus #4 - The 5 Minute Perfect Webinar
"How To Make Mini Perfect Webinars To Sell Physical eCommerce Products..."
Total Value: $97.00

Jaime Cross took my perfect webinar and tweaked it to sell physical products (soaps and lotions). She used this mini version to quickly get her funnel into the “Two Comma Club” and in this bonus you’ll get her training on how to do it as well as the script she developed to make it easy for anyone to implement!
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Expert Secrets Today!
Bonus #5 - 30 Day Expert Secrets Challenge!
"Learn How To Apply The Principles Of Expert Secrets During The 30 Day Expert Secrets Challenge!"
Total Value: $97.00

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There Is NO CATCH!
It's my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated subscriber.
Because (unlike other "guru's") I don't make all of my money teaching others how to make money (I actually run real businesses online selling supplements, physical products, software, and more)...so because of that, it doesn't hurt me to share with you my best stuff.
I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.
I'm kinda a show off... I'm not going to lie. I'm sick of people throwing out conversion numbers and their stats without any real proof to back it up. I think 99% of what is said online is complete BS... so I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to publish the TRUTH, show the actual stats and #'s behind what we do, and well... honestly, I just want you to think I'm cool. :)
Time Is Of The Essence...
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Be Crazy" Guarantee

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- The 5-Minute Perfect Webinar ($97.00 Value)
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Total Value: $609.95
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